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Root Canals
Root Canal Therapy | Crowns | Prevention
Toothaches provide a vivid reminder that teeth aren't just inert pieces of hard tissue floating in the gums. Instead, they're intricately formed parts with layers of hard substances overlaying a delicate core. Coursing through the tooth's center, this vital bundle of nerves and blood vessels provides nutrients and sensation to each tooth. As long as the tooth stays healthy, you're rarely aware of the systems at work.
But pain rapidly changes your awareness in any part of the body. Tooth pain can be especially alarming, and it's meant to warn you that something's not right. Pain tells us that the bundle of nerves and vessels inside your tooth is irritated, damaged, or under attack.
A deep cavity can give bacteria access to the inner nerve bundle. A crack extending into the same region can create stress that will need additional care to relieve. In some cases, a significant infection may develop in your jaw without any symptoms at all. If Dr. Fabiola Garcia determines that the nerve won't recover or infection is present, then root canal treatment may be suggested.
Modern anesthetics provide powerful numbing for gentle removal of the inflamed nerve inside the tooth. The nerve canal undergoes disinfection and careful shaping, and a sealer fills the internal space. A filling or crown over the tooth helps return the tooth to its original condition by the end of recovery.
But Are They Safe?
Internet articles continue to circulate claiming adverse health effects from root canals, despite years of research proving otherwise. Many of these claims rest on unsubstantiated theories put forward decades ago without any scientific basis. They've been thoroughly debunked by the most credible sources, supported by unbiased research projects. In fact, one popular Facebook article sounding a false alarm shakily rests on a 100-year-old study tossed aside long ago.
Professional organizations routinely review a broad range of research projects throughout the world. The American Association of Endodontists stays abreast of all the current and past research and can clearly support the safety of this vital service. In fact, new techniques and materials make root canal treatment more successful than ever. However, even older methods still hold a proven track record, allowing millions of damaged teeth to continue functioning.
The Best Root Canals in Houston
Root canals are a restoration that we use to save and maintain infected teeth, rather than extract them. Natural teeth are our top priority at Fabulous Dentistry in Houston, but sometimes nature takes a course that results in the tooth dying.
When the nerve inside your tooth is dead (due to past trauma or severe decay) or you’re in severe pain, a root canal can preserve the structure that’s left.
However, root canal treated teeth are no longer alive. As such, they tend to be brittle and wear down quicker than other teeth. Our Houston dentist will want to place a crown over your tooth to protect it for several more years.
What’s an Endodontist?
Houstonians with an abscessed tooth or bad toothache are sometimes referred to a specialist called an Endodontist. Endodontists are experts when it comes to treating the inside nerve tissues of teeth.
Houston dentist, Dr. Fabiola Garcia, provides endodontic treatment at our private family practice, making it easier to get the care you need without visiting a specialty clinic.
Houston Root Canals
Diagnosis of Abscessed Teeth
Dying or abscessed teeth aren’t always obvious. Sometimes the only symptoms are microscopic cracks in the roots of teeth. When you visit our Houston root canal dentist, we’ll use digital X-rays to check the structure of your tooth roots and the areas around them. In some cases, these images are the only indication that there’s an infection deep below your gums.
Let us know if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:
• Pain when pressure is applied
• A small pimple on your gums
• Bad taste from a specific area of your mouth
• Discoloration of one tooth
• Something feeling “off” about your tooth
• Previous trauma, such as a sporting accident
• Severe tooth pain
Do Root Canals Hurt?
Almost everyone has heard stories about painful root canal treatments or trips to the dentist. Fortunately, much has changed in recent years in regard to root canal therapy and keeping dental patients comfortable.
Dr. Garcia uses specific anesthetics to ensure the tooth is fully numbed, so that you don’t have to feel anything during the steps of the endodontic procedure. Root canals are meant to eliminate pain, not cause it!
Sometimes, severe abscesses or infections can make it difficult to numb a tooth. In such cases, we’ll likely have you take an antibiotic leading up to the appointment, to reduce the extent of swelling.
If you’re feeling a bit nervous about having a root canal — or any other dental treatment — you can ask about a gentle sedation or analgesic (such as laughing gas) to help you relax.
What Happens During a Root Canal?
When you get a root canal, the infection inside your tooth’s nerve chamber is removed. We’ll thoroughly numb the tooth, create a small opening, then extract the soft tissues inside of the hollow canal. From there, the canal is thoroughly cleaned out, medicated, the sealed off to prevent reinfection.
Find a Second Opinion From a Dental Health specialist
Do you really need a root canal? Have questions about insurance? Visit our Houston family dentist for honest advice on side effects, timeframe, and cost. We treat you like family!
In some casesDr. Garcia may even refer you to a periodontist, oral surgeon, or orthodontist.